Why Meditate

why meditate?


From the moment we open our eyes, to the time we switch off for the day, our minds constantly play a continuous track of repeated thoughts, where the meaning and emotional association of one thought triggers the next track of thoughts. Even when we are in a completely silent setting, our minds are filled with activity, busy with memories of the past, plans for the future, and a continual stream of interpretations, judgement and stories about the events of our lives.

Sometimes we become a silent witness to this constant mental activity, however most of the time we are unaware it is happening at all.

An advert on TV, the lyrics to a song, or the story line of our favourite book can trigger past emotional experiences that replay over and over again in our minds, taking up space within the silence we so desperately seek. If we still hold onto emotional trauma from our pasts, those feelings may consume our minds and may turn into self-criticism, pity, anger and depression.

The Healing Benefits of meditation


Meditation is a journey from activity into silence. It is a practice that allows you to settle into quieter and quieter levels of consciousness until you experience the absolute silence within. In the process of going within whilst practicing meditation, we begin to release accumulated levels of stress, fatigue and everything that is restricting you from experiencing your truest self. You begin to repair the memory of who you truly are, which is pure love, infinite possibility and unbounded bliss.

A large body of research has established that having a regular meditation practice produces tangible benefits for mental and physical health, including:

  • Decreased blood pressure and hypertension

  • Lowered cholesterol levels

  • Reduced production of “stress hormones,” and Burnout

  • Decreased anxiety, depression, and insomnia

  • Enhances your concentration and ability to learn

  • Improved immune function

  • Helps you create more harmonious and loving relationships

  • Improves your creativity and problem solving skills

  • More efficient oxygen use by the body

  • Increased production of the anti-aging hormone DHEA

If you would like to experience any of the physical and/or mental benefits listed above and make them part of your everyday life, then book one of our Meditation Workshops or Classes today!