Primordial Sound Meditation

Mantra is that which projects the mind in a fixed direction
— Yogi bhajan

What is primordial sound meditation (psm)?


deepak chopra’s -Primordial sound meditation (Psm) technique

There are many different ways to meditate.

At The Art of Triplicity, we offer instruction in Primordial Sound Meditation (PSM), a powerful meditation technique rooted in the Vedic tradition of India. Julie Parmax, the facilitator at The Art of Triplicity, has studied PSM from the Chopra Center and its co-founder Deepak Chopra who has revived this ancient practice of sound meditation and made it available in a format that’s easy to learn and practice.

When you learn Primordial Sound Meditation, you will receive your own personal mantra. A mantra is a specific sound or vibration—which when repeated silently—helps you to enter deeper levels of awareness. A Sanskrit term that translates as "vehicle of the mind," a mantra truly is a vehicle that takes you into quieter, more peaceful levels of the mind.

The mantra you will receive is the vibration the universe was generating at the time and place of your birth, and it is calculated following Vedic mathematic formulas. When you silently repeat your mantra in meditation, it creates a vibration that helps you slip into the space between your thoughts, into the complete silence that is sometimes referred to as "the gap." Your mind is no longer caught up in its loud inner dialogue and is instead exposed to its own deepest nature: pure awareness.