Mantra Ceremony

mantra ceremony


This is a very special session as Julie instructs you in your personal mantra as you experience your first Primordial Sound Meditation.

Julie will begin the mantra ceremony with a short chant in Sanskrit, which is offered in gratitude to the lineage of all the teachers who came before us. As a receiver, you must bring an offering of a piece of fruit or flower to be blessed.

After the chant, Julie will repeat your personal Primordial Sound mantra. You will have the opportunity to practice the mantra during your private session, and then we invite you to meditate and enjoy the silence of the field of infinite possibilities.

Once you've learned your mantra, we encourage you to practice Primordial Sound Meditation each morning and evening for about 30 minutes. Just sit comfortably someplace quiet and repeat your mantra easily and effortlessly. Whenever you notice your attention has drifted away from the mantra, gently come back to the mantra. Take two or three minutes at the end of your meditation to continue sitting easily before resuming your activity.

In a week’s time, we will follow up with you on any questions that arise as you begin your Primordial Sound Meditation practice, including when to meditate, where to meditate, and other practical considerations.

Private Mantra Ceremony : $145 for 1 hour.