


Reiki, pronounced ‘ray-key’ is a Japanese form of alternative therapy commonly referred to as energy healing. Its current technique was first established in 1922 by a Japanese Buddhist called Mikao Usui, and involves the transfer of universal life force energy from the practitioner's hands to their patient.

Energy healing targets the energy fields around the body known as the aura, where energy can be stagnate; usually where there’s been physical injury or possibly emotional pain. These energy blocks can cause disease and should be removed and healed.

The energy exchange between practitioner and patient, allows the Reiki to flow through the affected parts of the subject's aura and charges it with positive energy. It raises awareness in and around the physical body where negative thoughts and feelings are contained. This causes the negative energy—such as stress, anxiety, physical pain, sadness, confusion, etc to loosen its grip and cleanse the energy pathways.

Improving the flow of energy around the body, can enable relaxation, reduce pain, speed healing, and reduce other symptoms of illness.

Our Reiki practitioner Julie Parmax, is a certified Reiki Healer and holds 50min sessions on weekends. She has seen, first hand, the benefits of Reiki not only on herself but many other Reiki clients.

Reiki is not a treatment for illness or disease. Reiki is a complementary therapy in that it works alongside other medical and therapeutic techniques.

If you would like to Book your Reiki healing session today, click on “Book Now” below.

Reiki Healing Session: $100 for 50min


the Reiki healing session

Your Reiki session will be held in a peaceful setting surrounded by crystals. The patient will lie comfortably on a table, fully clothed, with an eye mask gently placed over their eyes. There may or may not be music, depending on the patient's preference.

Julie will place her hands lightly on or over specific areas of the head, limbs, and torso using different hand shapes, for between 2 and 5 minutes. The hands can be placed over 20 different areas of the body.

If there is a particular injury, such as a burn, the hands may be held just above the wound.

While Julie holds her hands lightly on or over the body, the transfer of energy takes place. During this time, Julie’s hands may feel warm and tingling. Each hand position is held until she senses that the energy has stopped flowing.

When Julie feels that the heat, or energy, in her hands has subsided, she will remove her hands and may place them over a different area of the body.


The techniques that are involved during your Reiki session are:

  • centering

  • clearing

  • beaming

  • extracting harmful energies

  • infusing

  • smoothing and raking the aura

Julie will also use crystals, Tibetan singing bowls, incense and Chakra healing wands, as these sacred objects help intensify the healing process and protect you from negative energies.
