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Terms & Conditions



Terms & Conditions


To ensure you secure your preferred class times, please make all bookings and purchases in advance on-line via our website or Eventbrite – prior to attending class. You will not be able to attend a class if payment has not been made.

If the class you are wanting to attend is fully booked please contact us so we can place you on a waiting list or we suggest you sign up to another class to avoid missing out.

Please note that by paying online there will be additional fees issues by Eventbrite.

class etiquette

Please try to give yourself 10-15 minutes before class to find parking, get changed, set up your space, get familiar with the studio and let your stress start to fade away. Your body and your mind will thank you.

On arrival at the studio, please make sure you check in with your instructor to sign off.

Please be aware that you will not be permitted late entry to class. Failure to arrive on time means our late cancellation policy will apply.

We strongly discourage departing classes prior to their scheduled conclusion time as it is disruptive to other guests attending those classes.

If you absolutely must leave early, please tell the facilitator in advance, place your mat near the door and leave quietly before everyone gets into the final relaxation pose.

We always encourage you stay for the final relaxation pose…it’s the best part!

We want our space to feel like home, and home is always a cozy place to walk around in socks or bare feet. Please refrain from entering any studio with your shoes on. Please leave them at the entrance or outside the studio. Your cooperation is much appreciated.

mindful noise

Please turn off/silence your mobile phones whilst at the studio. A ringing phone is a huge distraction to you and fellow students during class and also to others who may be in session or receiving therapies in surrounding rooms. We appreciate your adherence to this.

Please be mindful and aware to avoid speaking loudly whilst in the studio. Others may be in meditation, massage or treatment sessions in other rooms, so we request that you keep tone of voice low to be considerate of them also enjoying the space.

personal belongings

We are not responsible in any way for the safekeeping of your bags, keys or personal items that you bring into the studio. As such, we strongly recommend that you refrain from bringing any valuables into our studios, such as mobile phones, jewellery, wallets, bags and purses. Please bring only items that are absolutely necessary for you to possess for the duration of your visit.

Any personal belongings left behind will be kept in lost property for a maximum of 2 weeks after which time they will be given to charity.

Further, please do not bring personal items (particularly mobile phones) into the studio beside you during class or sessions as it can be disruptive to other visitors.

PROPS. AND STudio equipment

Please feel free to grab the necessary props for your practice when you arrive. Mats, blankets and blocks are usually supplied, however we suggest you bring your own. Please return the props once you are finished. There will be a natural cleanser available to wipe down your mat.

workshop and class schedule policy

The Art of Triplicity reserves the right to cancel any class if necessary without notice. Further, trainers, instructors, scheduling, timetabling, classes, pricing and memberships are subject to change without notice.

Our schedule is available on our website, social media channels and Eventbrite and changes will be posted with as much notice as possible.