
To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others
— Buddha


What are Chakra's and where are they located?


Our 7 Energy Centers

You might have heard the term chakra whilst reading an article on line or participating in a meditation class. Chakra translates to “wheel” and we have 7 chakras that run down the length of the spine. These coloured energy centers run from the top of your head to the base of your spine.

Sometimes these energy centers can be blocked which affects the flow of energy to certain areas of the body. Through Reiki and meditation we can clear the blocks to our energy centers and feel more calm and grounded.

Lets take a look at the 7 Chakras and their meaning:

  • 1- The Root Chakra (Muladhara)

    The Root Chakra lies at the base of your spine and it’s the foundation to your soul and body. When all is clear with this chakra, your feel a sense of security, calm and strong.

    You can develop a blocked Root Chakra if something threatens your survival, such as worries to do with money, shelter and food.

  • Physical Location: Base of spine

  • Element: Earth

  • Colour: Red

  • 2- The Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana)

    The Scaral Chakra is your window to creativity. This is where your imagination and artistic pursuits run wild and free. It is also space of your sexuality and your desires.

    You can develop a blocked Sacral Chakra if you sexually frustrated or stressed about anything to do with your reproductive organs or if you are unsatisfied in your relationship.

    This chakra can also become misaligned if people question your creative persuits and you lose faith and trust in yourself.

  • Physical Location: Two inches below your belly button

  • Element: Water

  • Colour: Orange

  • 3 - The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

    The Solar Plexus Chakra is where you get your drive and determination. When you know what you want and you know how to get it, you know your the energy in this chakra is flowing effortlessly. However, your self-esteem becomes affected when this chakra isn’t aligned, and it is usually because we become to judgmental towards ourselves and our self-worth becomes affected.

  • Physical Location: At the top of your abdomen.

  • Element: Fire

  • Colour: Yellow

  • 4 - The Heart Chakra (Anahata)

    Your Heart Chakra is intimately connected to your capacity to love, empathise and feel compassion towards all things. When you have a balanced heart chakra, your empathy to love openly without judgement is amplified and you are full emotionally.

    You can experience a blocked heart chakra when your heart becomes closed off because of a broken relationship, a death or even cruelty.

  • Physical Location: Above the heart

  • Element: Air

  • Colour: Green

  • 5 - The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

    The Throat Chakra can be blocked in many people as this is where we speak our truth. It is our own self expression and place where we communicate our vulnerability or elation to the world. When your throat chakra is aligned, we communicated clearly and with love and understanding.

    However when the heart is blocked are words can cut deep or we can feel completely stifled and ashamed or intimidating for fear of judgement.

  • Physical Location: Middle of the throat

  • Element: Ether

  • Colour: Blue

  • 6 - The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

    The Third Eye Chakra is where our intuition resides when working well. It is your alignment with the Universe and your ability to see beyond the physical and into the metaphysical and subconscious. When your third is eye is open you are aware of signs and you safely trust your gut instinct.

    However, your third I can become blocked when you have reason to doubt the universes messages and signs and revert to only rational thinking whilst abandoning your intuition in the process.

  • Physical Location: In the center of your brow

  • Element: Extra-Sensory Perception

  • Colour: Indigo

  • 7 - The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

    Finally, the Crown Chakra is the highest chakra and this is where you are connected to spirit. This is the chakara where peace and universal love is attained. When you see everything is in perfect synchronicity in your life and you are fulfilling your purpose, then you know this chakra is aligned.

    Unfortunately, a traumatic life experience can throw this chakra our of alignment, which in turn will cause you to doubt your purpose and yourself within this life.

  • Physical Location: The top of the head

  • Element: Thought

  • Colour: Violet or White

With the right tools and through guided meditation and other modalities, you can unblock your chakra’s and bring them back into alignment on a regular basis.

Julie Parmax